6 inch Digital Caliper Metric and SAE

A must have when rebuilding diesel fuel injectors - good quality unit

 If you work around your Mercedes much this is a great tool to have. The quality is exceptional for the price. It will reset to measure in both inches and millimeters. A Must Have for Ajusting Diesel Fuel Injectors 190D 200D 220D 240D 300D 300CD 300TD 300SD

6 inch Digital Caliper Metric and SAE

Product Details

If you are going to test and tune your diesel fuel injectors this is a must have tool! It is the best way to determine the current thickness of the pressure adjusting shim washer in each injector and to help choose the proper replacement. We are committed to helping you service and overhaul this critical maintenance component. 

To learn more about cleaning and rebuilding diesel injectors check out Kent's "Diesel Injector Cleaning and Testing Procedures." manual. When adjusting diesel injector release pressures you will need an assortment of special shims. See related products below.

To view our full line of diesel fuel injector parts, kits, and manuals just type "diesel injector" in the search box above.

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