Service: Vacuum Hand Pump Testing Kit w/ Extras
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FITS THE FOLLOWING: 115, 116, 123, and 126 chassis. Here is a diesel item I have put together that every Mercedes diesel owner should have.
Is your diesel suffering from hard brakes, poor or no engine shut off, climate control problems, or even funky transmission shifting??
Note: Works only on models that have two vacuum lines coming of the pump cover. I am seeing lots of vacuum pump problems with the older diesels. They are reaching that age regardless of mileage where the pumps are failing right and left.
I have chosen to call this a "partial" overhaul kit because full rebuild kits have been NLA for years. However, many of these pumps still need help, so I have assembled this kit to help owners restore some of their lost vacuum output.
Here is a great way to save some money repairing your old Mercedes vacuum door lock actuators. When they go bad it is almost always due to cracks in the rubber diaphragms. These can be easily replaced once you remove your door panels and remove the units.
Until now there has been no practical information for the DIYer to know how to test and replace their own vacuum 3/2 valve assemblies. There certainly been no inexpensive hose replacement kits. This new kit by Kent Bergsma solves both those problems.
Complete kit for the DIY mechanic. Includes repair parts, special tools and step-by-step illustrated instructions.
Fits 123 1980 to 1985.
If your trunk lock is acting up may be a bad vacuum lock assembly in the trunk. This is a brand new vacuum unit in perfect condition, and includes our PDF DIGITAL Manual, 123 vacuum door lock troubleshooting guide!